Accuracy of Route Gadget Tracking and Splits

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Accuracy of Route Gadget Tracking and Splits

Here is a message I've received about accuracy...

I have a query about the accuracy of the MapRun results and the tracking, I am wondering why Competitor A, currently 4th in Event 2 has a time of 1.57, but, if you compare his track to mine (currently 8th) on route gadget using the animation and the splits, he is slower. Is the route gadget animation not an accurate comparison? Also if you sum up both sets of splits they don't match the finish times (104.83 (sum of splits) mins vs. 110.83 (results) mins for me and 111.34 vs 117.34 for Competitor A.

I have taken the name out for the privacy of named competitor.

Any thoughts on this??


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Re: Accuracy of Route Gadget Tracking and Splits

Please ignore the first part of this question. I posted the query before checking myself. The reason Competitor A is slower is because he visited more controls! Apologies.

However, any thoughts on the query about splits in Route gadget?
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Re: Accuracy of Route Gadget Tracking and Splits

Peter Effeney
I'm happy for you to pull down the results in the csv files (via the admin console) and do some analysis.
You can also pull down the gpx file and compare times at locations.
(I've got a few things on my plate at the moment and unless it has broad systemic issues, it won't get onto my list for a while). Peter
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Re: Accuracy of Route Gadget Tracking and Splits


I'll take a look and report back if I find anything of interest.

