Add event error

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Add event error

Hamish Mackie

As usual when you have left it to the last minute you end up having a problem. Anyway I need to upload some permanent courses for tomorrow and got a georeferencing error.

I have checked both the KMZ and KML files and they come up perfectly in Google Earth so am at a bit of a loss. Any ideas?

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Re: Add event error

Peter Effeney

It looks like a case where the KMZ file may be missing the <rotation> tag. This is currently required even if the angle is zero.

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Re: Add event error

Hamish Mackie
So how do I add that in? (Excuse my ignorance.)
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Re: Add event error

Hamish Mackie
The map was only 2 tiles so changed to "no tiles" on Peter's advice and it worked.
