Bluetooth GPS vs MapRunG

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Bluetooth GPS vs MapRunG

Peter Effeney
We've had some questions regarding the setting in MapRunF that allows the use of a GPS device external to your phone, connected to your phone via Bluetooth. (ie a "Bluetooth GPS" device).

This is an attractive option for Mappers and Course Planners who have access to GPS devices that give an high-quality GPS fix, often using multiple sets of satellites. These devices are typically separate devices that connect to a phone or computer via Bluetooth. An example of this is the Garmin Glo device. See:
To use such a device, you can use the MapRunF setting set select "Bluetooth GPS" or you can use a specific App that communicates with the GPS device and then MapRunF uses the locations set by that App.

Unfortunately, a normal Garmin GPS watch does NOT send a live stream of locations to a phone or computer via Bluetooth and so CAN'T be used as a "Bluetooth GPS".

If you would like to use your Garmin Watch, MapRunG is the best option, provided your watch is compatible with MapRunG.

If your watch is not compatible with MapRunG (eg typically watches like Forerunner 45's etc which just don't have the ability to run Apps), you can record your track and upload your track to create a result in a MapRun event using: Obviously the disadvantage of this approach is that you don't get a beep at each control whilst running.

In summary:
- For devices like Garmin Glo - use the MapRunF bluetooth GPS setting (or a specific App to communicate with the external GPS)
- For Garmin Watches that can run Apps - use MapRunG
- For Garmin Watches that can't run Apps - upload your track using GPS Track Upload


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Re: Bluetooth GPS vs MapRunG

If I can add a bit to this - the documentation focuses on use with an Android phone.  With an iPhone the Garmin Glo2 (I can't speak to any other Bluetooth devices) connects through Bluetooth to the iPhone and the iPhone location services will use it assuming it provides  better accuracy (which it will).  In MapRunF you do NOT select the Bluetooth GPS option as the connection remains with the iPhone location Services.  The Glo2 will provide 4 points/sec (way better than the standard 1 per sec) with the iPhone but up to 10/sec with an Android apparently.  I discussed some aspects of using it in another thread: 
If you are curious, the Glo2 adds Glonass to the satellites it can receive (the older Glo does only GPS).