Hi Peter,
Thanks for getting back to me. My phone is a Motorola G6 and has ~100GB of free storage.
I created a new checksites event, and tried again, with the same result.
I also tried installing MapRunF, and this worked fine (FelbriggTest).
As far as I am concerned, I now having a working solution, so am not too bothered about it not working in MapRun6. Although thinking about it, the release notes for MapRun6 do talk about improved GPS tracking, which is what I want to use it for. If you wanted to investigate further, then I'd be happy to help in any way I can.
Regards, and thanks again,
PS I didn't write down any of the checksites codes, so if you did want me to check something, I would either need to create a new checksites event, or you'd need to let me have the codes.