CheckSites Problems

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CheckSites Problems

I have been working with a group of teachers to help them set up MapRunF activities using Open Orienteering Map ( to generate the kmz and kml files. When they upload the files to CheckSites - they get a success message and the 6 digit code. However when the enter the 6 Digit Code in MapRunF it keeps saying "Processing Data" -  and it does not load. However, if they email the kmz and kml files to me and I upload them to CheckSites for them  and get a new code it all works perfectly.
For example code 084283 generated by them doesn't work - but the same files uploaded by me to give code 986763 does work.
Can only think that it could be related to their computer setup or Firewall - does anyone have any ideas?
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Re: CheckSites Problems

Peter Effeney
There is something amiss with how the teachers are uploading the files to CheckSites. The files have names like C:\Users\mickey.mouse\Desktop\Langholm Orienteering Map\oom_5f64980146d80.kmz (with the real user's name changed)

We've not seen this happen before, so are interested to see how we can check for it and avoid it happening to others.

It would help if the teachers could provide more details of the web browser they are using and ideally, take some screen prints to show their steps. (Email to the support email address on the website).
