CheckSites function

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CheckSites function

I have uploaded a KMZ and KML file to the CheckSites page and received a 6 digit code.  The code works, however I am then asked for a 4 digit PIN in order to "go to start". Is that because I have put a future date as part of the file name?
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Re: CheckSites function

Peter Effeney

If you put the "PZ" code in the name of your event, it sets up a PIN on that event. This is normally used for events published by Administrators, to keep the event confidential until the start time.

There is no need to put a PIN on a CheckSites event, as the 6-digit CheckSites code is private to you.

In fact, the problem then becomes, that the Administration System has not been used to create the event, and it is this system that tells the owner of the event what the PIN is.

So, if you publish a CheckSites event with a PIN, there is no way for you to know what the PIN is.

The simplest remedy is to use CheckSites again and setup a new event with a new name that does not include the PZ code.


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Re: CheckSites function

If I have downloaded a course from CheckSites to my phone (local storage), will it stay in my phone and be usable even though the default 7 day period on the server has expired?

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Re: CheckSites function

Peter Effeney
In reply to this post by JDN
CheckSites Events are secured (made private) by the 6-digit code. You receive the code when you create the event.

Similarly Published Events can be kept confidential by using a PIN/LockCode in the event name (ie code PZ or PZhhddmmyyyy. The system provides the 4-digit PIN to the Administrator when they publish the event.

However putting a PZ code on a Checksites Event, allows you to download the event to your phone (with the 6-digit code), but the PIN is unknown to you.... so you won't be able to open the event.

A future version of CheckSites will include a warning against including PZ codes in QuickStart and CheckSites events. Administrators may still decide to do this for checking Mass Start events (which use PZ codes to set the start time).
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Re: CheckSites function

Peter Effeney
In reply to this post by JDN
Yes - All types of events that are in your "Local Events" on your phone, remain there indefinitely. This includes published events that may be deleted from the server, and CheckSites events that may have expired on the Server.

Events can be deleted from your "Local Events" by swiping them sideways. (As can Results).