Checksites Problem

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Checksites Problem

Someone who is testing one of our courses on Checksites cannot get to the first screen on Checksites to put the code in.
It seems stuck showing  a list of 4 previous courses that she had done and no option to input any code.
A phone/app problem?
Is the best thing to delete the app and reinstall?
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Re: Checksites Problem

Peter Effeney
Definitely a usage issue.

When she taps the main menu button (bottom-right) on the home screen, she then needs to tap the GREEN BUTTON labeled Check Sites. DON'T try to tap the label.

What she is doing is tapping the "Show Results" button which is still displayed on the screen even when the main menu is open. You can confirm this with her, by asking her to tell you what is displayed at the top of the screen when she is expecting to see the place to input the 6-digit code.... My hypothesis is that she will say "My Results".

She needs to open the  screen "Check Control Sites".