Club Events vs Personal Events

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Club Events vs Personal Events

Peter Effeney
The concept behind MapRun is to have two modes:

- Normal Published Club Events:
        - Events are published by Administrators using an Admin tool
        - The key parameters are locked so its a fair competition
        - Results are published
        - A PIN can be set for confidentiality

- Use by an individual (Personal Events)
        - These are setup with QuickStart, CheckSites, Import from SD (on Android)
        - Users can set up a map on the phone, using an image, geo-referencing it with two points on the phone and saving it as a new local “event”
        - Users can set a course on the phone easily with the ability to change the course and use a map with this course
        - User can export the Map and Course for potential use as a shared event
        - Results not published (as there is no guarantee that runners will be using the same settings)
        - Data is deleted from the server after a set time
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Re: Club Events vs Personal Events

Just a few days ago I recognized a site giving the option to export a png/pdf with contours :
The outcome can be used perfectly to create our own kmz with MaprunF, for personal events.
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Re: Club Events vs Personal Events

In reply to this post by Peter Effeney
How does one share a CheckSite personal event stored locally on smartphone with another individual for running or evaluating?
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Re: Club Events vs Personal Events

Peter Effeney
QuickStart events are stored on the phone and so can't be shared. Although you can export the files and then create a CheckSites event.

To create a Checksites event you upload your files to the server using the interface at You are given a 6-digit code for this event.

Any number of users can download this CheckSites event onto their phone, if you share the 6-digit code with them.

Checksites events are meant for testing and evaluation, and not for competition. Results are generally not uploaded to the server, and if they are manually uploaded, tracks are not displayed.

In a Checksites event all the settings remain open to change (for testing) and so different users of the event can have different "rules" applying. For example, one user could have their location being continuously displayed and have a punching tolerance of 50m, whereas someone else could have the default settings.

For a summary of the event types see:
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Uploading Results of a CheckSites Event

Peter Effeney
In reply to this post by Peter Effeney
Checksites is targeted at testing, evaluating, and experimenting, by being able to setup an 'event' without having to formally publish it (which can only be done by someone with MapRun Administrator permissions.)

When a Club event is published, a RouteGadget 'event' is created to host the results - ie to display tracks, and provide splitsBrowser etc. This is not done for QuickStart or CheckSites. By default these personal type of event do not auto-upload results.

You can still do a manual upload of results ... but at best, all that is shown is a simple leader-board list of results.

It is possible to run a small informal 'competitive' event with CheckSites by sharing the 6-digit code between users. However, display of results is limited and each user has full control to change the parameters of the event (as is required for testing). For example someone could run with a 50m punch tolerance and location display turned on.