Contacting competitors

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Contacting competitors

Simon Oxley
When you upload a gpx file you can provide an email address and the app also stores this. Is there a way for organisers to view this for runners so they can be contacted with queries about their runs?
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Re: Contacting competitors

Peter Effeney

No not currently - but it should be available in v6 of MapRunF within the next month.
(Although this remains an optional field)

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Re: Contacting competitors

The "Convert Results (Splits) (CSV) to XML" admin function does include the email (and post code) in its output - although that might be more personal info than intended?

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Re: Contacting competitors

Peter Effeney
Yes that is correct. The results files (csv and xml) are in standard Orienteering format and so include these details. This will include phone numbers from v6 onwards. Personal details is the main reason that these files are only available to MapRun Administrators. Peter
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Re: Contacting competitors

Simon Oxley
In reply to this post by d-dixon
Ah ok thanks for that David