Creating a kmz

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Creating a kmz

I have used the MapRun app in the past to create a kmz file from a png and downloaded to my laptop in order to set up MapRun events. I have now set another one up but I can't download the file. The app just sends this to the events list. Am I doing something wrong or has the system been changed
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Re: Creating a kmz

Running on iphone with maprun 7.4.2 I end up with the 'saved to local' notice but also the option to email a copy. I'll admit that I have never done this before on the phone as I find it much easier to do it on my laptop from the console 'Create KMZ Map' menu function - maybe because my eyesight is nothing like it used to be!!

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Re: Creating a kmz

Thanks Michael. I've now tried it on the console and it works fine. Strange that it doesn't do so through the app.
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Re: Creating a kmz

You should note the phone type and version because, as I posted, it does work for me.