Did a control fail to register?

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Did a control fail to register?

On a recent run (line event) with MapRunG I couldn't get control 12 to buzz.  After circling the area for a while I gave up and headed for control 13, which buzzed straight away.  In the results, I had visited all the controls, and my splits for controls 12 & 13 were 2 mins & 5 mins.  So it seems to be that the watch thought I was looking for 13 all along.

My question is:  did control 12 buzz without me noticing? (Unlikely, but possible I suppose and would explain why split 12 was quick)  or did MapRun add control 12 at the end once it "saw" that I'd been close enough.  

Second question - what happens when you abandon a control and move to the next one in the hope of reinstating it when the map evidence backs you up? (which is what our organiser suggested).  does MapRun allow this?
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Re: Did a control fail to register?

Peter Effeney
The short answer is, MapRun simply punches controls that the runner approaches, without any extra logic considering what is the next control on the course. It also doesn't do a review of the punches and add extra punches. (MapRun Admins can edit results - but the system doesn't do that itself).

The definitive guide to punching is at: http://maprun.250607.n8.nabble.com/Punching-Controls-What-are-the-Rules-tp201.html

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Re: Did a control fail to register?

That's a big help, thanks. I must have punched without realising. I like the guide - that clarifies the process perfectly.