Editing Result

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Editing Result

I'm having trouble editing a GPS upload for a PXAC event (UK/Sussex/SOGL/ChaileySOGL). The user (Jill Blount) uploaded their trace as a .gpx file despite knowing that they didn't visit a control (112). The software recognised that this control was missing but still gave her a valid time and an OK status. As admin for this event I went in to try and change it but couldn't change the OK to a MP. At least I could change it on the screen but then when I submitted the changed and refreshed the event nothing had changed.
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Re: Editing Result

Hi, if you reach the new admin site, (https://console.maprun.net/)  is there an option to donwload the gpx into your pc, and then you can upload it again, with proper control list and final status.
Then the previous result for this runner could be deleted.