Editing a Competitor Name after Upload

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Editing a Competitor Name after Upload

Is it possible to edit competitor names in the results once an event has uploaded?

For example, two people run as a pair with one phone, and the details recorded in the app relate to one person.

The pair would like to see both of their names in the results.

I'm guessing not?


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Re: Editing a Competitor Name after Upload

Peter Effeney
Paul - Correct, there is no such function at this stage, Peter
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Re: Editing a Competitor Name after Upload


Thanks - assumed not but thought I would just check.

Thanks as always for your help.

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Re: Editing a Competitor Name after Upload

Mike Godfree
What you can do is to get competitor to email his track from the app either to himself or to you.  Then he or you can upload the GPX track from the Maprun Console page giving the other or both names. And if needbe then delete the original result to tidy up.

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Re: Editing a Competitor Name after Upload


Yes, I can see that would work.

I guess that would be the same for tidying up Billy Whizz(Rev30)

Thanks Mike.