Error Message Creating an Event - Error creating Event Instance of 'minified:iS'

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Error Message Creating an Event - Error creating Event Instance of 'minified:iS'


Hello MapRun Team,

I'm trying to create an All Controls Score O for our Hanging Team for a local event (which I've done often in the past) but this is the first time I've seen this message:

Error:  Error creating event Instance of 'minified:iS'

Additional Observation:
When I've had crashes during event creation, I usually purge / delete the new folder with bad info and start over...looking for the folders I tried to create shows that none exist...

Happy to share the .kmz and .kml being used to generate the event if they're needed.

All my best,

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Re: Error Message Creating an Event - Error creating Event Instance of 'minified:iS'

Peter Effeney

This is not an error from the server. Rather an error from the web-app that runs in your browser.

Are you behind a corporate firewall that is blocking ports 8886, 8887, or 8888?

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Re: Error Message Creating an Event - Error creating Event Instance of 'minified:iS'

Thanks for the quick response.

I disabled my home firewall, allowed as a trusted site, and eventually shifted to using my cell phone as hot spot to avoid comcast potential interference for connection and event creation.

Same error. Multiple browsers, multiple attempts.

I will shift gears for the hanging team and use a map app (probably Avenza) and a georeferenced .pdf to support their work.

Sorry that I can't make site creation work today...this is really challenging ....especially when I was able to create MapRun events for our hanging team a week or two ago ... which we used today out in the woods.

thanks for trying!

All my best,
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Re: Error Message Creating an Event - Error creating Event Instance of 'minified:iS'

Peter Effeney

Sorry to hear. I don't have any other reports of issues with creating events.
I'll take a closer look.
Where in the process do you get the error?

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Re: Error Message Creating an Event - Error creating Event Instance of 'minified:iS'


Thanks for your research on this.  I'll follow up here for the benefit of other forum users.

Bottom Line:  It turns out my basemap .kmz was too large.  

Peter tested my files outside the forum and sent a follow up note directly to me.  

I had not associated the subject error message with a "file too large" error, so I continued to flounder. readers of this thread will have seen.

Based on Peter's prompt testing and feedback, I reduced the basemap .kmz from 300 dpi to 150 dpi and attempted event creation -- > successfully!

Therefore  -- generalizing this experience -- > even if the error message is not directly associated with something you recognize as a too-large basemap, it's probably a wise step to start with a lower resolution basemap and see if that resolves the issue or generates a new / different error code.

Major kudos to Peter for creating such a great tool and thanks for his quick support.

All my best,