Error in "Controls Visited Count:List" ?

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Error in "Controls Visited Count:List" ?

My club has been using MapRunF and it has been working very well.
However, we have one participant who has twice received odd results in the column: "Controls Visited Count: List"

It should look something like this (what everyone else gets)....
16: 8, 23, 17, 26, 35, 21, 31, 51, 25, 34, 42, 52, 41, 9, 4, 42 (Extra)

...but it is logging the time of day he started (10:37am in this case), and then the elapsed time from the start for each CP as shown here.
16: 10:37:51, 01:06, 02:14, 04:09, 05:37, 08:27, 12:03, 14:33, 16:34, 22:46, 24:06, 25:30, 27:03, 30:40, 35:42, 37:18

His results are also lacking distance, and pace.
I've confirmed that his location services are 'on', which makes sense because each CP registers without any issue. He is using an iPhone 6.

I'm hoping someone can shed some light on what the problem might be.
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Re: Error in "Controls Visited Count:List" ?

Peter Effeney

Behind the scenes, MapRun uses the old orienteering standard results format: OE csv files.

So, comma's and some other punctuation characters can mess up the columns in a comma-separate-variables file.

I suspect that this person has punctuation in one of their Name, postcode, club.... fields.

Future versions will be better at preventing this ... but if you let me know the details I can fix the particular result. (but the user needs to fix this on their phone for future results to OK).

Send details to the support email address given at the website.

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Re: Error in "Controls Visited Count:List" ?

Simon Oxley
That's interesting - I was just about to report the same problem. But in our case the runner only gets one time stamp at the beginning of the list of controls: 10: 09:50:41, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

He also misses the track and correct distance. I'll email the details and check with the user about his profile details.
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Re: Error in "Controls Visited Count:List" ?

Peter Effeney
MapRunF V5 (in beta testing) does better validation of User details to prevent this.