Error message creating event

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Error message creating event

error creating an event

I've been trying to upload some events for Sunday and I'm getting that error message screen shot above.  I'll write it out here so others can search in future.

Error: Error creating event - ProcessException: OS error message was not a utf8 string.
Command: /bin/sh-c find. -name "Hamsterley60min Run Like a Haggis Navigation event.kml" #0
EventCreateController.GetEventNameAndCheckForDuplicate (package:heroes/controller/event_create_controller.dart:293:32)
<asynchronous suspension>
#1 EventCreateController.saveData (package:heroes/controller/event_create_controller.dart:130:13)

Is it something I am doing wrong, or is it a server error?

Many thanks for any help.

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Re: Error message creating event

Peter Effeney

I expect you'll find it is a transient error. Please try again.

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Re: Error message creating event

Cheers, as you said it was transient.

Can you remind me how we send our 50c per runner following the event please Peter?  Your levels of customer service are magnificent!  Presumably that is 50 Aussie Cents, so 0.25GBP?

Many thanks.
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Re: Error message creating event

Peter Effeney

What we say when setting up a MapRun Admin is:

For clubs who regularly use MapRun, a contribution of the order of 50c USD per run per event, is expected, to cover costs. Payments can be made via the PayPal button on the home page, or a direct bank transfer. (Details can be provided).

I've emailed bank account details directly to your email address.

Thanks for your support.

