GPS setting

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GPS setting

Michael Tedeschi
I have a new Garmin 245.
I am not sure what to set the GPS setting to when using MapRunG.
It beeps well on most controls, and slowly on others.

Do I set the GPS setting on the watch for MapRun as "GPS only", or "GPS plus Glonass" (or Galileo) for best MapRun sensitivity. Many thanks for any advice.
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Re: GPS setting

Peter Effeney

Typically the key issue if you are having issues with how quickly MapRunG recognises controls is:

From the MapRunG documentation:

The Garmin Watch Setting for Data Recording:
> Settings > System > Data Recording > to “Every Second” (rather than “Smart”)
Otherwise, for faster runners, the watch is not getting locations frequently enough for rapid punching of controls.

This can be in a slightly different in place in setting on different watch types.

If the Watch is on "Smart" mode your track will typically show fewer locations being recorded (with straight lines between them).

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Re: GPS setting

Michael Tedeschi
Thanks for responding Peter.
I have that setting correct at "every second".
I have a new Garmin245 as I smashed up my old one in an orienteering fall last weekend. I would love to say it was a bush O event, but it was a sprint event on flat ground! Lesson learned - when running, look where you are going, not at the Map!

My new Garmin 245 has a GPS options setting:
The options are:
GPS only
GPS plus Galileo
GPS plus Glonass
apparently those last two options bring in more satellites but consume more battery.
Does maprun work better with the latter two of these? Does it make a difference?
All the best
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Re: GPS setting

Peter Effeney

All that MapRunG does is ask the Watch to record an activity, and it will do that with whatever settings you have set.

I have a Garmin FR245 and I did some experimentation some time ago to see what option gave the best track...but I don't think it really made much of a difference (at the time).

All that MapRun needs is the best tracking of locations that the watch can provide.

It might be worth Googling this as a general Garmin issue. For example I see:

I hope that helps... If you do research this further, please post you findings so others can benefit.

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Re: GPS setting

Michael Tedeschi
Many thanks. That garmin forum on GPS settings was useful. Users compare and contract Galileo and Glonass. As you say, the job of MapRun is picking up location data from whichever satellite it can see.
An interesting website that shows what satellites are available for any particluar region at a particular time is at

I'll let you know how I go with GPS plus Glonass. Cheers