Garmin Watch MapRun Course Files

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Garmin Watch MapRun Course Files

I have looked through the forum discussion regards Garmin Watch Activities and was hoping to find mention of Garmin Watch Course Files but could not.
My question is - where are the Course Files stored on your watch that MapRunF sends to your Garmin Watch?
I have a Forerunner 935 and they do not appear to be in the Courses folder when you attach your watch to a PC, I can also not find them on my wife's Vivoactive 3.
Any help appreciated,
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Re: Garmin Watch MapRun Course Files

Peter Effeney

Thanks for your question.

The intention was to NOT make the course file available for retrieval from a Watch.

We commonly have cases where organisers want to secure their event with a PIN and so restricting access to the event files is often required. In some cases, extraction of a course from a watch could compromise this.

So, a course file is not stored on the Watch as such.

If you'd like to elaborate on what you are trying to achieve, maybe there is another way to get your desired outcome.

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Re: Garmin Watch MapRun Course Files

"So, a course file is not stored on the Watch as such."

This has resolved my problem - which wasn't really a problem anyway as the course file will not be taking up storeage space on the watch.

On a Forerunner 935 not such a problem because lots of storage space, but on a Vivoactive 3 potentially more of a problem due to limited storage.

Thank You.

b.t.w. I had to re-register under a new username as I seem to have confused Nabble somehow with my previous login!
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Re: Garmin Watch MapRun Course Files

Peter Effeney
No problems.

We have a new version of MapRunG in testing that is significantly more efficient on memory.
I hope to run through the set of test cases today, and all going well, we will release it soon.
