Garmin error

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Garmin error

Has anybody seen this error on a Garmin vivioactive3 after loading a course.
Thanks stephen
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Re: Garmin error

Peter Effeney
Is it a published event that you can point us to?
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Re: Garmin error

Hi Peter
It was more of a question for Garmin users. Nothing wrong with the event.
Garmin confirmed my assumption by saying "This means a Connect IQ app has crashed".
I'll try loading maprunG for the 10+ time and try again.
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Re: Garmin error

Peter Effeney

When you say "try loading MapRunG" do you mean that you are trying to install it?

Can you provide more details please.

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Re: Garmin error

Hi Peter
I've uninstalled all the aps and started again.
Install MaprunF on my phone.
Install MaprunG from Garmin IQ.
Entered the code and loaded my local event which worked.
More of a warning to others with a Garmin if they get this symbol.
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Re: Garmin error

After completing the course I sinked with Garmin connect and the course appeared.
Returned to MapRunF and tried to “show results”.
No event was listed. “Get track from Garmin”
“Garmin login. To get track from Garmin…..” came up.
Also” watch mode error”
How could I have a connection to upload the course but not down load my result?
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Re: Garmin error

Peter Effeney

You don't need to login to Garmin to "send an event to your watch". This works by saving a copy of the event that you have selected into a special folder for your specific watchId on the MapRun server. When MapRunG starts up, it looks in that folder for the event. (No need to talk to Garmin for this).

However, to get a track from a Garmin watch, the only way is to go via Garmin Connect. For MapRun to get your track from Garmin Connect, you need to login MapRun6 into Garmin Connect so that it has permissions to look at your tracks.

In both cases make sure your phone is connected to the Internet and the Garmin Connect App is running on your phone (as this is the way Garmin Watches "connect" to the Internet).

This document on the website tries to explain the whole process:

Let me know if you still have problems.
