I can't figure out how to unpublish events

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I can't figure out how to unpublish events

I cannot figure out how I can unpublish an events course files.

An example:

I have a “folder “Denmark/Viborg/mandagstræning/ ”
In that folder I publish (normally) 5 new courses every Monday morning. After publishing new courses, it give no meaning to keep the old courses in the folder, so I want to delete them. But I want to keep the results from “the old courses” so that the runner can see the results in Route Gadget, and I want to download an XML version of the results too.

How do I accomplish that?
Stig Barrett
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Re: I can't figure out how to unpublish events

Hi Stig,
I can tell you how I do it (but can't say there isn't a better way).  Assuming I want to keep the results including the routegadget tracks, I use option 2 on the Admin Console ->Admin Functions->Events->Delete Events.  Assuming I'm reading the instructions correctly, Option 1 will keep the basic results but remove the routegadget track results while deleting the event files in the folder as well. Option 2 just removes the event setup files from the folder and keeps both the basic results and RouteGadget tracks.  I have used Option 1 when I have made a mistake but, despite the description and warning, used Option 2 to archive a few events.  These still have the full results (including RouteGadget) available but the event files are no longer available in the folder.

There is an XML (for Eventor) export option available in the Admin Console but I have not used it. I have posted previously on how to link directly (with a URL) to event results (useful when publishing result links from your own website etc) and how to pull results directly into Excel - but not sure if either of these help.
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Re: I can't figure out how to unpublish events

Hi Michael

Thank you for your information about deleting events. I will try to do it your way.

Stig Barrett