Reporting a couple of issues I've had attempting to get from a non-georeferenced OCAD file to KMZ. We only have an OCAD 9 license so I have to resort to going via Open Orienteering Mapper to get a georeferenced JPG/JGW. (For reference, my workflow is to create an empty map, add the OCAD file as a template, add another template of a georeferenced map (Ordnance Survey or OOM export), adjust the OCAD template to fit the other template and then import the OCAD template into the map.)
Using the MapRun tools, I attempt to convert the JPG/JGW and I end up with a KMZ that's somewhere off the west coast of Africa rather than in the UK! In the past, that's meant I've had the wrong co-ordinate system yet, if I feed the same files into I ended up with a KMZ file in the correct place. Their free tier is limited to 5MB a month so that's a non-starter.
My next attempt was just to take the JPG and import it into Google Earth, drag it into position, and then export the KMZ directly from there. MapRun obviously doesn't like something about the format of the Google Earth KMZ though as CheckSites gives the following error:
Error: Error in the file content - Error in the KMZ file format - (Bad state: No element)
Fortunately, the KMZ tiling tool on MapRun does seem to be able to read the KMZ from Google Earth and then the output file is readable by CheckSites. It would be nice if MapRun were able to read the output from Google Earth directly. Having finally got a working KMZ file, that's when I ran into the problem adding an event in my other post...
-- David Currie