MapRunA - Erroneous Track Point at Start of Track

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MapRunA - Erroneous Track Point at Start of Track

MapRunA seems to be adding an extra track point to the start of my tracks.
The last 2 times I used MapRunA on my apple watch, Strava congratulated me on my new longest ride of ~12,000kms! (I'm not sure why it's calling it a ride when MapRun is set to use Run as the default activity type, but that's no big deal)
It seems like the app is starting in California and then jumps to Australia once I get to the starting point.
Is there anywhere I can reset the starting point?
I'm sure I only clicked on "Go to Start" when I was within a few meters of the first point.
I hope someone can suggest how to stop this happening.

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Re: MapRunA - Erroneous Track Point at Start of Track

Peter Effeney

Sorry, this is a known problem, that I think can be avoided if you "Go to Start" well clear of the actual start location, which allows the watch to get a good GPS fix.

Having said that, I do have a version of MapRunA that incorporates a fix for this issue.
I  got side-tracked onto other matters, and haven't released that version.

If you are happy to try the Beta version, please email your details to


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Re: MapRunA - Erroneous Track Point at Start of Track

Hah! So I'm being punished because I did the opposite thing when I first used it and clicked "Go to Start" at home. 😂
Thanks for your speedy reply, this is why I love good shareware.
I did try to search for this before my post but failed to find reference to it.
I guess the fix sounds easy now I know what to do, but I'm more than happy to try the Beta - I will email you.