MapRunLink QR image PNG not JPEG

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MapRunLink QR image PNG not JPEG

Lawrie Brown
When I publish an event, and then choose to download the QR code, its in PNG format, not JPEG as advertised. I found this because Acrobat wont paste a PNG, I had to convert the format before I could add it to the event map.

I have seen this consistently now for several events.

I don't mind it being a PNG, but it needs to be advertised as that, and come down with correct file type & extension, otherwise its just really confusing.

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Re: MapRunLink QR image PNG not JPEG

Peter Effeney

Thanks for picking that up... 100% correct.

The underlying library produces a .png file, but we are labelling it as .jpg.

We'll fix that in the next version of the Console... It will remain being a .png (and be named a .png)
