MaprunF Results website and validating runs for GPS watch uploads

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MaprunF Results website and validating runs for GPS watch uploads

Katherine Ivory
I have a query about uploading results from GPS watches.  Apologies if it's already been covered somewhere but I couldn't see anything.  Is it possible for MaprunF to establish whether a run was valid or not, when a .gpx file is uploaded to Results for a course.  From my testing, it seems that this isn’t the case? - e.g., I uploaded a run on MeadowsY1, having missed a few controls on purpose, but it still came up as ‘OK’.  

Being able to upload results from GPS watches, and confirm if they are valid or not would help with widening engagement with the app for those who don’t want to run with a smartphone, and be useful for informal competition of the type we are now envisaging as Covid19 lockdown starts to ease.  It'd be great to know if there is anything available here that means runs can be validated by the software rather than by human input, or anything in the pipeline?  Many thanks.
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Re: MaprunF Results website and validating runs for GPS watch uploads


Strange as that has never happened to me. Have you got the course  uploaded properly in MapRun with the code at the end?

Reason I ask, is that we had a similar issue when I was missing off the type of course code.
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Re: MaprunF Results website and validating runs for GPS watch uploads

Katherine Ivory
Hi - it's there as a PXAC course.  You can see it in the Results for MeadowsY1 - Planner GPS test (miss).
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Re: MaprunF Results website and validating runs for GPS watch uploads

Peter Effeney

The GPS upload currently doesn't calculate the classifier correctly for line courses. (As you have identified).
The Admin for the event, would need to determine the classifier and edit the result.
I've put this on the enhancement list.
If you do use GPS upload remember to untick the superfluous controls. The result uploaded has multiple F1 punches. I've uploaded a cleaner result by unticking the rubbish. (Not that it fixes the Classifier).

But if you have a Garmin Watch capable of running MapRunG, that's a better way to go as you get beeps at controls and the result is "automatically" uploaded from the watch. See:

Even if your watch can't run MapRunG, you can still record your track and use the "Watch Mode" upload and HITMO (Review Results) to get a result (without having to export the gpx track as required by GPS Upload). This approach determines the classifier correctly.

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Re: MaprunF Results website and validating runs for GPS watch uploads

Katherine Ivory
Thanks Peter, that's very helpful.  I don't have a watch that can use MaprunG, but am interested to try the Watch mode upload.  Am I right in thinking that this is just for events loaded onto the server though, and not for Check Sites events?  
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Re: MaprunF Results website and validating runs for GPS watch uploads

Peter Effeney
MapRunG will produce a result for any event type... but we don't publish full results (ie including tracks) for other than published events. You should still see a results table (but no tracks).
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Re: MaprunF Results website and validating runs for GPS watch uploads

Katherine Ivory
Thanks Peter, appreciate the response.  I'll try the watch upload when I next do a published course.