Mass start function

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Mass start function

Michal Kus
Hi everyone,
do I understand it correctly that MXxx needs PZHHDDMMYYYY code to work - so it is only possible to set mass start time for full hour? I have experimented with multiple options in console but I failed to set time in any other way. I wanted to prepare a few courses with mass start for each separated by 5 minutes - it looks this is not supported?
Or maybe someone managed to get this to work another way around?

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Re: Mass start function

Peter Effeney

You could try PZMMHHDDMMYYYY. I was using that for testing at one stage, so the code probably still allows it.

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Re: Mass start function

Michal Kus
It is SO easy!

But I might've found a bug.
While testing I tried to use import Event feature and it seems not to be working OK. It is seems it is looking for Event in a unlikely folder - maprung. I created the folder both on SD card and internal storage but still it didn't work. Screenshot below.

In the end I created event via console which is going way overboard for a test event. But I proved your suggestion right! It wouldn't hurt to add this information to webpage for future reference ;-)

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Re: Mass start function

Peter Effeney

Thanks - that is a bug. It will be corrected in the next version.

However, CheckSites is the preferred approach to test a personal event. You don't need to copy files into some obscure folder...
The "Import" option is there for a mapper who uses MapRun6 whilst mapping and is not online when he wants to transfer files... so CheckSites won't work for him.

Anyway ... I recommend CHeckSites for testing, but the "Import" error will be corrected in the next version.

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Re: Mass start function

Michal Kus
Thanks Peter,

I was under impression CheckSites only supports line courses and was not suitable for testing mass start events. Now I checked and I was wrong - it works just fine.

On the other hand I am very comfortable with copying files to my phone and back using my usb-c pendrive and not looking at some obscure websites and writing down secret codes (I am joking of course, but copying file directly is seriously more intuitive to me than using websites and cloud storage to transfer data - maybe I am just too old :-) )