Mispunches on Scatter Courses

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Mispunches on Scatter Courses

Robyn Rennie
I setup a Scatter Course and had a number of people run it and they all came back with a result that shows as a MisPunch. I thought a Scatter course meant that you only had to collect some of the controls. I didn't specify a number when I setup the course. How can I get results that aren't mispunches? Similarly can I setup a Score course that has an unlimited time?

I am trying to setup a course for a school group to use and I don't want to specify any limits for them but would prefer that they didn't all get mispunch results.
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Re: Mispunches on Scatter Courses

Peter Effeney
Scatter courses have results sorted by time -ie  shortest time wins. So it doesn't work to allow someone to do fewer controls than someone else and compare the times.

We've reviewed the wording of the definitions to make this clearer: http://maprunners.weebly.com/event-types.html

Local Administrators can edit results including changing the classifier on a result. (Although comparing times for different numbers of controls may not be particularly useful in this case).

For unlimited time score events, you should be able to use ScoreQ00 or ScoreM00 etc. But as discussed on another thread on this Forum, this has not been implemented in MapRunF as yet. So in the meantime, just use a large time limit that won't be exceeded in practice eg ScoreQ500.

For school-events (or any events), Administrators have the discretion to mark results as valid (or invalid) or add or remove penalty points.