My run time disappears when I do a revision

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My run time disappears when I do a revision

Dick Spendlove
At the last two events that I have done, I needed to do a revision at the end for missing bleeps. In both cases it showed "result OK" after the revision but my run time disappeared. On the first occasion (Storthes Hall Long) it showed 16s, whereas today (Flanshaw Long) it showed 0. Can anybody explain this?
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Re: My run time disappears when I do a revision

Peter Effeney
When you do a revision (HITMO), be careful not to tick any extra punches on S1. In the case of: Storthes Hall Long, you ran back near the Start 16 seconds before you punched Finish. This shows in the list of punches you can tick in HITMO. If you tick this as a valid punch in HITMO, then that will be taken as your start time.... ie you only ran for 16 secs.

You could try another revision.
Let me know if you still have issues.