Need for PIN code to download to watch

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Need for PIN code to download to watch

One of the issues maprunG users have raised is the need for a PIN to download the course to a watch. If the PIN is not released until the Start, and there is no mobile signal at the event, they can't do it. Is it not possible for the course to be downloaded to the watch without the PIN code, on the basis that the course is not visible on the watch? This could then be done pre-event, when the user has a wifi or mobile connection. I assume there is a good technical reason for the current process, but it would be helpful to be able to explain to people why this is currently the case, and also useful to record the requirement, if it's practical, to change the process to allow this.
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Re: Need for PIN code to download to watch

Peter Effeney

I agree that having to enter the PIN to send an event to a Garmin watch is probably an unnecessary restriction.

I'll look at removing this as part of the next version of MapRunF.

Thanks for the suggestion.
