New On-Line QRCode Generator Available (Edit 17 Jul 23)

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New On-Line QRCode Generator Available (Edit 17 Jul 23)

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MapRun Tools

Edit 17 Jul 23: having found no issues with the version of the generator that can produce SVG images I have removed the original PNG Only version link. If you use it and find an issue please let me know. Happy to look at any feature requests as well.
Edit 5 Jul 23:  Ive added an additional QRCode link to a beta that does both the PNG images and SVG.  I have not fully tested it yet and the code needs some improvement but it seems good.  Eventually it will become the single app for QR Codes....

I have added an on-line QRCode generator on my Utilities page.  My Windows based generator that some are using is much more powerful (and more complicated) than many may want (plus, for some, being a Windows application can be problematic).  The on-line version may suit 90% of users and is simple to use (instructions on the site). Besides the standard QR configuration options, you can add a logo, and use or not use a label area or frame.  From a Maprun perspective the main value is it is set to focus on this application and makes selecting a range of controls easy (for example 'S1,31,36-46,F1') and will provide a zip file with all the resulting codes.  Currently (and likely for a long time) it will output only PNG files.

Along with this new utility, the site contains:

Convert GPX Waypoints to KML - useful when using a Checksite to look over an area and want to mark waypoints along the route.

Clean Up/Renumber KML FIles - generally tigy up a KML for MapRun (especially one that came from the utility above.

IOFXMLV3 to KML - title says it all.  nothing unique and available on other sites.