No sound on Iphone

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No sound on Iphone

David Hooper

I have downloaded Maprun 7 and I have no idea why I can't hear it.  It worked fine on Maprun 6.

Settings on my phone are all as should be.

I have also deleted and re downloaded but to no avail.  On test i buzzes my Garmin, in actual event, nothing.  So I think it must be a Maprun setting that is awry.


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Re: No sound on Iphone

Peter Effeney

Sorry about the delay in responding.

There are a couple of audio volume settings on an iPhone. I wonder if that is the issue.

On an iPhone the volume of the notification sound is controlled by the “Ringer and Alerts” level (see >Settings> Sounds & Haptics). There is a switch below this setting “Change with Buttons” to allow this to be adjusted with the buttons on the side of the phone)

Have you had a look at: ?

Maybe try a custom sound and see if that helps.

(I'm using MapRun version 7 on my iPhone regularly and am getting sounds)

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Re: No sound on Iphone

western road
This post was updated on .
I have the exact same problem and all my sound settings are 'correct'. When Maprun is in foreground (e.g. at the start) it sounds loud and clear. Once started and gone into background- nuthin.

I should add that when using e.g Google Maps my phone talks to me whilst in background in my pocket and I'm well aware of button volume settings etc.
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Re: No sound on Iphone

western road
In reply to this post by Peter Effeney
which iphone software are you running please? Mine does not work in background (Maprun 7.1.6, IOS 16.5)
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Re: No sound on Iphone

Peter Effeney
One other setting to check:

Background App Refresh for specific apps or for all apps on your iPhone by going to Settings > General > Background App Refresh. From there, you can choose which apps you want to enable or disable for background refreshing.

And just checking that you don't have Low Power Mode on.

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Re: No sound on Iphone

western road
Thanks Peter, yes, background refresh is 'on', and 'low power mode' is not 'on'.
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Re: No sound on Iphone

Peter Effeney
Also - just checking whether you have a watch paired with your phone (Garmin, Apple Watch or similar) that might be receiving notifications
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Re: No sound on Iphone

western road
That is an interesting thought- I have an IPhone which is inevitably tied into my IPhone.
 ‘Mirror alerts’ is default ‘on’ for all apps- I’ve now turned it off for Maprun- try it again but not for a few days. (I have been wearing my Apple Watch and it did not sound an alert from Maprun.)