PIN issues on new console

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PIN issues on new console

Richard Rogers

I've just created a new event (Shrewsbury SE), setting it to require a PIN for access. But...

The Create Event page didn't show the PIN

The PIN for Event page gives Error: (Exception: This event does not require a PIN)

MapRun 6 definitely does require a PIN to access the event!

Any advice welcome! (if it helps, I'm using Safari on MacOS Big Sur)


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Re: PIN issues on new console

Peter Effeney

At this stage you still need to use codes in the event name (ie the KML filename).

Do you have a PZ in the event name?

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Re: PIN issues on new console

Richard Rogers
Ack, sorry, that's the bit I missed! (Clearly it's been too long...)

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Re: PIN issues on new console

This just tripped me up too - worth a note in the admin console to that effect?
-- David Currie
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Re: PIN issues on new console

Peter Effeney
There is a message there on the Console about this... I guess I could make it stand out more... but the ultimate plan is to transition to codes only, so I should probably work on that.
