PIN not protecting on Android 12 and 13

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PIN not protecting on Android 12 and 13

We have just had a report of someone pressing go to start on tomorrows event at Sutton Bank North Yorkshire and not needing a PIN. When we tried  to replicate this assuming it was my upload error and those on Apple products needed a PIN as did one user using Android 11 but those using Android 12 and 13 didn't need a PIN, is this a problem anyone else has come across?
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Re: PIN not protecting on Android 12 and 13

Peter Effeney

I've not heard of any other cases like this.

Just double check that everyone is opening the same event.

Sometimes it appears no PIN is required for an event, only to discover that the user has selected an old event (or are possibly using a previous event of the same name, they have previously selected on that phone).

I see that there was a Sutton Park event deleted on 23 April 2024 (Folder: UK/North Yorkshire/NYMBO/Summer 2024/Sutton Bank). Could it be that some people had this event?

It's impossible to categorically say that there isn't some undiscovered bug in the software. So it would be good to get to the bottom of this, so any further details would be appreciated.

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Re: PIN not protecting on Android 12 and 13


Thanks for the response.  I checked the phone that originally reported the issue today and apart from the fact he had the correct course it then asked for a PIN before I could check that so I am even more confused. Hopefully a one off glitch. Like you I wondered if he had downloaded the earlier course but I checked on one of the moved controls and that confirmed he had  the later version. It is almost if there was a window when the phone or the system thought it was past the PIN protection time but that had corrected itself. We have another event in 3 weeks and I will get it checked again

