PPen Zip for an existing course

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PPen Zip for an existing course

I have a course that is currently live in MapRun but need to update the physical map with some H&S/Covid Regs wording. I can't seem to find the original PPen file generated through MapRun and am wondering if I can access it/regenerate it some how in the Admin Console.

Hopefully it simple and im missing something.

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Re: PPen Zip for an existing course

Peter Effeney

There is no current way to recreate the PPEN file for an existing event.
Provided you have the original KMZ and KML files, you could delete the event and recreate it, then refresh the results. (This doesn't lose the results). You'll get the PPEN file in the process.

Alternatively if you let me know the Id of the event (send me the URL to the RouteGadget display of someone's track), I can send you the PPEN file from the server.

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Re: PPen Zip for an existing course

Thanks Pete, we worked round it this time. Interesting to know deleting the event and uploading it again won't lose the results.


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Re: PPen Zip for an existing course

Robyn Rennie
In reply to this post by Peter Effeney
Using the new MapRun Console to add an event I no longer seem to get the purple pen files?
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Re: PPen Zip for an existing course

Peter Effeney

There have been no changes made that remove that feature. I'm not hearing other reports of any errors.
Maybe try again ... delete the event ... recreate it ... scroll to the bottom of the screen for the link

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Re: PPen Zip for an existing course

Robyn Rennie
ah - yes - off the bottom of my screen in the new console and no really clear scroll bars to indicate that there is more below. Thanks