Pins in google earth

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Pins in google earth

I'm creating pins in google earth. They are saving but I can't actually see them on the map (actually one appeared and then vanished).  I've tried changing the image,size etc but with no luck.  Googling for answer has been fruitless - one hint that it might actually linked to graphics capability of the laptop.
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Re: Pins in google earth

One thing to check (if it is linked to Graphics limitations) - go to Tools->Options and on the right side you will see the Graphics Mode option of OpenGL, DirectX and Use Safe Mode.  Try safe mode first and if this seems to solve things, change the Graphics Mode.  I have often run across across problems with GE not displaying properly and this will generally be the issue.  Warning however, if you do change the graphics mode to a non compatible settings it can really screw up the display (won't start in some cases).  If this happens google how to open GE in safe mode and fix.  If you want to start more gradually, try reducing some of the other settings first (texture colors for example).

Michael Raz
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Re: Pins in google earth

Eileen Young
In reply to this post by stevenbreeze
Steven did you sort out your problem?

It is difficult to know where the issue could be without knowing more about your experience.

One thing our club came across was that one member was trying to edit the pins in the online version of Google Earth and was having problems. Once he downloaded Google Earth Pro he was fine.

Another thing is that when you put your pins on your map. The folder holding all the pits must be high lighted to save all the pins. If you only have one pin highlighted it only saves that one.