I've been using MapRun for 3 years for forested rogaining events, giving competitors a 2-month window to score season series points. I decided to test out the use of MapRun for an in-person event in Mass Start mode where we were using SI e-punching as the official mode of scoring (Event name: 2023 Nav-X GPS Map Trek Pacheco 6hr PXAS ScoreP360 MX90). I encountered 2 issues with this method. The first is that everyone was required to provide a lock code (PIN code) to see their result and do a manual upload (automatic upload did not seem to work even though there was cell coverage in the area). This was interesting because there is no restriction on viewing the results on the web, so why would there be a restriction to see your own result? Note that I did not use a PZ code in the title of the event. I set the start time in the admin settings after creating the event. I did this because I wanted a mass start on the half hour. I just now read a forum message that you can use minutes in the PZ code.
The second problem was that several competitors were using MapRunG and the mass start mode doesn't work on MapRunG. So if I try to use MapRun for an in-person event in the future, I'm wondering what the best strategy is? It seems that for fairness to Garmin (MapRunG) users, I should probably just set it up as a regular (not mass start) event and stage the start 30 meters from the MapRun start. But that would be hard because people tend to run in all directions in a Rogaine! Also, would it be possible to set up a regular (not mass start) event such that you can download the course ahead of time but only view the course 90 minutes before the mass start? Bill Cusworth Nav-X Map Adventures Santa Rosa, CA, USA |
Sorry to hear of the issues. For Mass Start to work effectively you need to include the PZHHDDMMYYYY in the event name. And yes PZMMHHDDMMYYYY also works. See https://maprunners.weebly.com/event-types.html Having the PZ code in the name, also addresses the issue of access to the results on the phone and web (up until the start time). More broadly though, we would recommend "normal" starts (punching) rather than "Mass" starts (time-based). As you are aware MX doesn't really work for MapRunG and has a range of other "implications" meaning it is not the best way to go even when you want a "mass start". For an in-person event starting at say 10:00, I'd suggest: - set it as a PZ (PIN) event with a time of 11:00 (that means its secured until 1 hr after your scheduled start to give a bit of a margin as to when you actually start, but also tracks will be visible without a PIN by the time competitors finish). - participants can download the event anytime in advance (but can't "Go to Start" until you tell them the PIN) - provide your printed maps 90mins before the start for perusal - have your assembly area 30 mtrs from the start location - when you are ready for the "mass" start, tell people the PIN. Then can then open the event and proceed to the start location for a GPS-based punching start. (As you would not be using the Mass Start function (MX code) you have flexibility with the exact start time .. eg if there was some delay you could start everyone at 10:15) - if you don't want everyone to go via a start location (but start immediately from the assembly area), there are two options: - Set the PIN expiry to be 10:00 and at 10:00 everyone can tap "Go to Start" and being at the Start location, Start will punch, OR - Set the event to also use QR Code punching. Set the actual Lat/Lng of the Start to be off the map (so it doesn't get accidentally punched via GPS). Then have people punch Start via scanning the QR code. This gives flexibility as to where you precisely want people to start on the day (rather than being determined in advance - BUT it doesn't work for MapRunG). The actual best variant depends on your particular scenario. But if possible I think the cleanest is the first option above: For an event at 10:00, include PZ for 11:00 (adjusting for UTC), assemble remote from start, announce the PIN when ready, require everyone to go via the start. I hope that helps. Happy for other suggestions/comments. Peter |
Hi Peter,
Thanks for the suggestions! I think what I will try at the next event is to use a PZ code with no mass start as you suggest. But I don't see a downside to having the PZ code expire 90 minutes before the start. I'd like to people to "Go to Start" to make sure the GPS is working long before the mass start. So the main thing will be to set up the start to have a mandatory 30+ meter "chute" to force people to the MapRun start location. It certainly will be easier to do that than place and retrieve a bunch of orienteering markers and e-punch units! Bill |
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