Purple Pen Update

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Purple Pen Update

For those that use Purple Pen (or those that don't for some specific reason), Peter Golde has just released 3.4.0 saying:

"This version has a number of bug fixes, many related to loading OpenOrienteering Mapper files. There are also a few interesting new features: Support or ISSpr2019 map standard. Export in KML format. Import of geo-referenced templates in OOM".  Even better, Peter notes that he will have more time available to further improve what I consider the easiest and more often than not 'more than capable' free course design tool.

I have not yet tested it but the improvement in dealing with OpenOrienteering Mapper Files and the ability to produce course KML files suggests the ability now to map and course design with two free applications and directly produce the MapRun needed files (without a third-party app) is very handy.  

The web based OpenOrienteeringMap utility, especially the upgraded version at https://oomap.dna-software.co.uk/ can, by itself, provide a decent, quick base map and course design tool in one, but if you need to improve the map and/or do more complex course planning, you now have the process flow:

OpenOrienteeringMap (base map) -> OpenOrienteering Mapper (improved map and KMZ)-> Purple Pen (Courses and KMLs).

Small note:  In his release note, Peter states that you can download the new version or just start up- the old and it will prompt.  This later did not happen for me so I downloaded directly and installed - and the multiple Windows security hoops that you need to jump through to download and run an .exe file.