QR Codes Error on Maprun7

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QR Codes Error on Maprun7

I have had no problem in the past with using QR Codes but after many tries on MapRun7 I keep on getting errors  "This is not valid for this MapRun event".   I have double checked the course to make sure I was not mixing it with another and the course looks fine.  This is a point to point (line) with GPS and NFC turned off while QR enabled.  I looked at the KML and there is no mention of the code in the text file.  Only the order of the controls is shown.     To generate the codes I am using QR Generator provided by Michael Raz (v.2.0.2)
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Re: QR Codes Error on Maprun7

I have not really tested the generator with MapRun7 but I don't see anything that should be different.  The error generated occurs when the control embedded in the QR is not on the course although it may be generated in other circumstances that I'm not aware of.  Can you post the QR code and the KML file (and a screenshot of the generator set up if possible).
Edit - also make sure the URL preface used in the generator matches the one you used when setting up the event from the console.
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Re: QR Codes Error on Maprun7

Just quickly set up a test course from a previous course with NFC and GPS off but QR on.  Used the generator to quickly produced the 15 codes for all the control numbers (and S1,F1) and then "ran" the course from my desk without issues. The URL preface was left as the default in the console and in the generator.  You had mentioned there being no QR text in the KML?? There wouldn't be as the KML only provides the control list and locations.  The QR codes are kinda generic - a QR-31 will punch on any course that has a control 31.  If you scan a 31 QR from the app but the running course does not include 31 you will get the error you mentioned.
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Re: QR Codes Error on Maprun7

Thanks for the quick reply Michael.  Sorry, I should have said "control code" instead of QR.     When looking at the KML, I only see mention of the control order s1, 1, 2, 3, etc.   There does not seem to be any control code in the file.   Like this:
I am missing a step in creating the KML?  Seems like the control code would be needed.

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Re: QR Codes Error on Maprun7

In this case the MapRun course is set up using control codes 1,2 etc rather than something more familiar in a regular event such as 31, 32 etc. nothing wrong with this. You just need to use the same codes (1,2 etc) in the QR codes.  They need to match.
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Re: QR Codes Error on Maprun7

Peter Effeney
In reply to this post by WithaMap

The KML file looks OK. The KML file for an event where you punch with QR codes is the same as the KML file for a GPS-based punching event.

Unless when you created the event, you specified a custom prefix for your QR codes, the default content of your QR code to punch S1 should be: http://www.maprunners.com.au?c=S1  (and for control 1, replace "S1" with "1").

Maybe check your QR code, by pointing your phone camera at it (NOT while using MapRun6), and generally you will see on the screen what the content of the QR code is.

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Re: QR Codes Error on Maprun7

In reply to this post by MichaelRaz
Thanks Peter

I created it with Control Codes that are 2 digits.

1. 31
2. 55
3. 33
With more than one course it will be problematic to have these in order of the course design.  The control codes are there in Purple Pen next to the control order.    I never had to make sure the control code matched the order before.  
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Re: QR Codes Error on Maprun7

Peter Effeney

Something has gone wrong in the way you have created the KML file then.

If you open this event in MapRun6 as a line course, you will see S1,  1(1), 2(2)... ie the control that is second on your course has a label "2". There will be no mention of "55".

So if you have created your QR codes with 31, 55, 33, you will need to change the KML file to match this. (or vice versa - ie change your QR codes)

There are many ways to prepare/edit a KML file. One way to fix this would be to open you existing KML file in the KML Create function of the MapRun Console: https://console.maprun.net/#/event_create_files

You can then right-click on each control and rename it to what you want. Then save the KML file and use it for the event (ie delete the existing event, and recreate it with this KML file).

Or you could go back to the tool you created it in and see if you can create a version containing control Id's (not sequence numbers).

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Re: QR Codes Error on Maprun7

In reply to this post by WithaMap
Good from my perspective - it’s not the generator (just need to use the matching controls as in the KML)
Not at home but trying to remember if Purple Pen has the option to renumber the controls in order.  My own utility i codes gives this option as there are circumstances where renumbering makes sense (single event in the area, no physical markers, easier for novice to understand). Check if PP has the option mentioned as this would be the most likely cause.
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Re: QR Codes Error on Maprun7

I am editing the KML file now to include the codes.   Michael, PP allows you to put whatever code you want between 1 - 3 digits in any order.   Not sure why PP decided to leave out the control code so will try with another computer and map and see what happens.     Will follow up and thank you!
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Re: QR Codes Error on Maprun7

I was able to get it to work by just changing the control code in the KML file.  It was pretty fast so I can make that work for sure.  I just cannot remember having to do that so like Peter says there must be something wrong with the way PP is generating my KML file.  Very strange.  I will continue to experiment and thank you both for all the help once again.

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Re: QR Codes Error on Maprun7

Back home and went back to check - PurplePen currently automatically converts courses to renumber from 1.  As I mentioned, this is not always an issue and can actually work well but I did put in a feature request that PP provide the option to select the original codes or renumber.  Perhaps if a few more people make the request it might happen.  It is great that many of the common applications are now adding functions specifically for MapRun.

A few suggestions so you do not need to edit the KML each time:
From PP, export as an IOFXML V3 file and then....

1. The Maprun console under 'Create KML Courses' function can be used by ignoring the map and 'Import a file'.  Select the XML file option and then choose the XML file from PP.  If there are multiple courses in the XML then you will need use the pull down and select the courses one at a time - click Use Selected' then back to the side menu and 'Save/Download COurse(KML).  Repeat for all the courses.  These KMLs will not be renumbered.  

2. http://lpb.canb.auug.org.au/omaps/ has a number of good web apps including 'Convert IOF XML v3 to KML (iofxml2kml.php)'

3. If brave, my utility is is available at
that converts an IOFXML to one or more KMLs (with the option to use the control sequence if desired).  It does a bunch of other things that are based more on my own workflow (for example, make an "all Controls" kml for adjustment in GoogleEarth then write changes back to the IOFXML.  It also has some useful functions to use with a KMZ such as shrink the image file within the KMZ, rename the tiles to match Maprun requirements etc).  Warning:  as this package is an exe file you will need to go through a bunch of steps trying to install it as Windows will warn you over and over again.

There are also some older converters that use the V2 version of the XML files and converts to KML (although my app will handle V2 and convert the UTM to Lon Lat if needed).
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Re: QR Codes Error on Maprun7

Thanks again Michael,
I should have known since I import XML from PP into results software using an app that is compatible with Sport Ident software.   Usually just manually putting the course in works well unless there are too many courses.  I will check out some of the utilities you wrote.    
So I am assuming this also applies for Scatter courses?  
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Re: QR Codes Error on Maprun7

With Score courses in Purple Pen, as you "make' the course it orders them in the control code sequence. (example: F,31,33,36,37,F) as you add the controls to the course from the 'All Controls' list.  The KML is generated using the Control Codes in this sequential order.  This all makes sense given the nature of a score-o.  

Technically, for a single course - if you set up your 'All Controls' list in the Pt to Pt order you wanted with no extra controls you could just export the KML for the All Controls course and this would use the control codes (not control sequence) so would work.  By also adding the actual course you wanted in PP based on the 'All Controls", you have your map, XML export etc.  All this works if you are not added a bunch of potential controls and picking from them for a course.  There are a bunch of other fudging you could do but at that point it becomes safer and easier to just use one of the other 'XML course to KML' tools and use Purple pen as it is meant to be used IMO.