Question: Can Start Anywhere be set up for Check Sites?

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Question: Can Start Anywhere be set up for Check Sites?

Eileen Young
Hi I am wondering can Start Anywhere be setup / pre defined for Check Sites?
I can tell Check Sites that I have a line course by putting PXAC is there a similar code for Start Anywhere.

I know I can select Start Anywhere in the Options and Setting before I Go to Start.
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Re: Question: Can Start Anywhere be set up for Check Sites?

Peter Effeney

Checksites doesn't allow you to pre-define settings other than the major ones that can be set in the Event Name.

You can change any of the settings in "Options and Settings" eg punching tolerance, Start Anywhere, Display my position. The idea is that Checksites would use the event files only once or a small number of times for testing/evaluation/experimentation.

For published club events, the Administrator can pre-set all of the settings for that event.
