Results appear corrupted

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Results appear corrupted

Richard Rogers
One of our runners is repeatedly getting his results apparently corrupted.

Here's an example:

14 Richard Price 20: 05:32:22, 6, 5, 7, 16, 3, 1, 2, 4, 15, 8, 17, 12, 14, 13, 20, 19, 11, 18, 9 Track 53:54 1 53:54 SM:8 M25-29:3 Course1 09-09-2020

The first control is listed as "05:32:22" instead of a normal control number.

The distance is shown as 1 instead if its proper value.

Also "Course1" appears where there should be a points score (it's a score course).

He's using MapRunF 5.0.9 (sorry, I don't know on what phone/OS revision but will check if necessary)

Any ideas?

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Re: Results appear corrupted

Peter Effeney

MapRun produces results in "standard" Orienteering csv format.
Unfortunately this means that it doesn't like commas in input fields.
In the case of Richard Price he has a Club name with commas in it, meaning that the columns of his result file are moved across... resulting in errors.

I thought I was checking for this in the latest version - but maybe only on other fields. I'll add it to the list to fix.

He will need to change this in the App (ie his name details).

I've fixed his results in some recent events
Church Stretton...
Callow Race
(lots of postboxes!!)

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Re: Results appear corrupted

Richard Rogers
Many thanks Peter.

I've passed this along to Richard P.
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Re: Results appear corrupted

David Smith
He's done some of our events, that explains that glitch.
Peter - no need to correct our results, its all a bit of fun nothing serious.