Review Results

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Review Results

Using Review Results for the first time. A user has used HITMO on two runs on a score event, and I can see the results and the reviewed results; and the tracks. I can select the event in the Admin function and it would seem that the adjudicate button would let me make some decisions, control by control. It doesn't seem to do anything. Perhaps it is staring me in the face:-)) Thanks Peter. BTW I see a big swag of events in this function, surely I can't review any except those I set up?
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Re: Review Results

Peter Effeney
Sorry about the confusion... That feature is not finished and shouldn't be published!

Currently Admins need to use the delete function in the old Admin tool to delete superfluous results.

Ultimately, I plan for a "proper" review function.
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Re: Review Results

Robyn Rennie
It also doesn't seem to be possible to delete results even in the older system. I am presented with hundreds of .csv and .gpx files which can be deleted appearing to go back to the beginning of time - they never finish loading. How can I just look at one event's worth of files and delete the duplicates and revisions from it?