Score P Scores Start and Finish

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Score P Scores Start and Finish

I set up my first ScoreP event today. I thought I understood all the parameters but it seems to score the Start and Finish as controls. In the picture, I have copied the parameters for ScoreV into the test page and you can see that it counts S1 and F1. It did this in real life too, so at least the test page is accurate! Does anyone know what parameter needs to be changed to stop S1 and F1 from being counted as controls in the score? Mark Besley
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Re: Score P Scores Start and Finish

Peter Effeney

Thanks for pointing this out.

Sorry, but it does look like that variant of ScoreP doesn't work exactly as documented.... but it's now out there in multiple versions of the App... so it's not something that has an immediate option to change.

The issue relates to the 2nd parameter ... the Fixed Score Per Control.
- you could use a ScoreP scheme that has this as 0, to side-step the issue, or
- I wonder if you could live with the S1 and F1 getting a score. Every runner will need to visit S1 and F1 to get a valid result ... so it means everyone will get 40 points for free(!)... but this won't change the ranking of results.


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Re: Score P Scores Start and Finish

Thanks for the quick response Peter!

It's no big deal that everyone got an extra 40 points in this case. People will feel good and as you say the rankings are unaffected.

My main issue was that I thought I had misunderstood something in the ScoreP scheme or done something incorrectly in setting up the event.

In future, I can devise a ScoreP setup that will achieve what I want but leaving the second parameter as zero.
