To be honest ScoreB is not commonly used (On a quick check it's been used in only 80 events out of over 14,000+ MapRun events).
If you do want to use it:
- be sure runners are aware that if they accidentally visit two evens, whilst starting with odds (or vice versa), they will be flipped into evens mode. Sometimes this is not apparent to the runner at the time. To help with this, it's best to have odds and evens controls all shown on the map (not doing a map flip), also
- be aware it doesn't work on MapRunG (Garmin).
The documentation on ScoreP is at:
https://maprunners.weebly.com/parameter-based-scoring---scorep.html .. and as noted there, ScoreP doesn't do ScoreB or ScoreW rules. ScoreB, essentially uses ScoreQ scoring.
If what you are looking for is a ScoreB course with all controls having the same value. You could either:
- approximate this by numbering the controls in a ScoreB course to be all say 500 to 550. The difference in points between the controls is then very small., (ie 500 to 509 are all worth 500, and 510 to 519 are worth 510 ie just 2% more) OR
- you could do your own custom scoring of a ScoreB course... Link the results into a Google Sheet and score the results the way you want. See the bottom of this page:
https://maprunners.weebly.com/access-to-results.html. If runners use MapRun version 7, you can display a "Custom" results button directly in the App.
Just extending on the second point above, you could have your own "ScoreB" with say a nominated "Pivot" control ie runners run either evens or odds, and then to flip to the opposite they visit say control 99. You could set this as a ScoreV (20 points per control), but re-score it with your own logic in the Google Sheet to what ever rules you wanted.
I hope that gives you a couple of options.