Scoring Schemes - ScoreG

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Scoring Schemes - ScoreG

I'm looking to setup a ScoreG event on an area with a POC course.  The control locations have numbered plaques (numbered 31 upwards.  ScoreG details says controls 1-5 get score 1, controls 6-10 get score 2 etc etc.  Does 'controls 1-5' mean the first 5 controls in the control list or controls with the numbers 1, 2, 3 etc.??
Simon Starkey
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Re: Scoring Schemes - ScoreG

Peter Effeney

All of the scoring schemes use the ID of the control to determine the value (not the order of the controls in the list). Control ID 31, if using ScoreG would earn 8 points, if using ScoreQ it would earn 30 points, ScoreN it would earn 40 etc.
