Sharing a Quickstart event with another runner

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Sharing a Quickstart event with another runner

John Hutchinson

How to I get a Quickstart course I have downloaded from an email into the Maprun App?

I have move the kml file to the SD Andriod data folder it describes in the 'use local maps' menu , but it not seen by the App.

Any ideas?


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Re: Sharing a Quickstart event with another runner

Peter Effeney

It looks like you could move to stage 3 (CheckSites) as described here:

CheckSites is a better approach than trying to copy files from your PC to a folder on an Android phone. The specific folder required in this latter approach tends to be manufacturer-specific and so needs a bit of experimentation (and this only works for Android, not iOS and this needs to be done on each individual phone you want to use).

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Re: Sharing a Quickstart event with another runner

John Hutchinson

Will give it a go.


On Wed, 24 Mar 2021, 22:29 Peter Effeney [via MapRun], <[hidden email]> wrote:

It looks like you could move to stage 3 (CheckSites) as described here:

CheckSites is a better approach than trying to copy files from your PC to a folder on an Android phone. The specific folder required in this latter approach tends to be manufacturer-specific and so needs a bit of experimentation (and this only works for Android, not iOS and this needs to be done on each individual phone you want to use).


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