Tracks uploaded yesterday have disappeared

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Tracks uploaded yesterday have disappeared

Steve Nightingale
I uploaded my Fitbit Ionic track (GPX ex Strava) for Burlish Top via the Maprun console yesterday evening, approx. 1900-2000 GMT+1 and saw the run in the Maprun results afterwards.  I checked again today and the result had disappeared.  Another run (I think for Ian Pickering) done yesterday for the same event I saw last night had also disappeared.

I suspect some runs uploaded yesterday have disappeared during the database problems you had yesterday.

I have uploaded my track again today, but you need to be aware of the problem.
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Re: Tracks uploaded yesterday have disappeared

Peter Effeney
Yes thanks for that - I tried to pick a quiet time: evening in the UK and early morning in Australia.
Anyone who notices their result is missing would need to do a manual upload.
(Hopefully a rare occurrence - but the server couldn't be up-sized without a short shutdown).