Unable to inter code for track

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Unable to inter code for track

sage thompson
Galaxy 21 Ultra.  I just tried to look at my track the day after the event and I am unable to access any keyboard to input code.
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Re: Unable to inter code for track

Peter Effeney

Sorry to hear your keyboard is not being displayed.
Maybe this Samsung page will help: https://www.samsung.com/us/support/troubleshooting/TSG01209532/
If you are still having issues, please provide more details:
- Are you looking in "Show Results" > Select the result from the list > ... and not seeing your track?
- Or are you looking in "Show Results" > Select the result from the list > "All Results"?
- What is the name of the event?

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Re: Unable to inter code for track

Hi Peter,
I'm getting the same problem as Sage.
I'm using MapRun V6.5.10
I go Show Results -> Select my event -> Select All Events
When I select either of the user input fields; Days History or Name Filter the phone virtual keyboard does not activate
The phone is a Google Pixel 4A running Android 12
Regards, Ian.
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Re: Unable to inter code for track

Peter Effeney

It looks like some incompatibility with Android 12 (maybe only on some brands of device). We'll update all software libraries in the next version to see if that helps.

If you are looking for all results in the event you have just run in, you should be able to just tap the drop-down selector "Select event" to find your event. Events in this list have those with the latest results at the top... so you should see your event in the top few. That is, no need to enter any values in those input fields.

If you are looking for an older event, I suggest you open this "All Events" page in a browser on your phone (or PC). "All Events" in MapRun6 is simply a link to the "Leaderboard" page on our website. ie

www.maprunners.com.au and tap "Results Leader Board"

or save the following URL as a favourite:


(At least until we release a new version of MapRun6).

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Re: Unable to inter code for track

Hi Peter,
thanks for the update.
Generally I only look at event history via desktop browser so only logged that issue to make you aware of it.
Great app!
Regards, Ian.