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Uploaded GPS tracks always have run date as 01-01-1900

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Uploaded GPS tracks always have run date as 01-01-1900

Mike Godfree
7 posts
Uploading a GPX track from a Garmin etc using the Maprun console works well but the run date is always shown as 01-01-1900.  In a sense useful to know that it was a manually uploaded track but given that the date is embedded in all the entries in the file it would be good to have the correct date, perhaps with a marker to show manual upload.  The default tolerance of 45m. seems unusually generous although I appreciate for RAID type events might be sensible.  Perhaps have a lower default even if the larger figure were available.

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Re: Uploaded GPS tracks always have run date as 01-01-1900

22 posts
Mike, Peter,

Some cases I have same result, too, but I think it is a date conversion issue.
The month (or day) has no two digits in uploaded csv and gpx files:
xxxxMap_GERHES MittsommerOL 2020 Bahn 5 PZ PXAC_Course1_2020621_82555
xxxxMAP_MapRun Challenge 20202 Whitfield Valley Score PXAS ScoreV60_202067_63517.gpx
when I use the old page, it works well:
xxxxMAP_HUNPST Erd Loter vonalas 100pont PXAC_20200624_154615

Thank you!
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Re: Uploaded GPS tracks always have run date as 01-01-1900

7 posts
In reply to this post by Mike Godfree

Just uploaded (today) Julie's run from 26/07

Course is Alvaston Medium

Garmin watch connected to Strava website, exported .gpx from Strava website and upload it using the Maprun Console.

It correctly put the date of 26/07/2020