Which version of OCAD?

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Which version of OCAD?

Hello all,
please forgive me if this is answered elsewhere and I missed it.
I would like to organize events that the public can run without my intervention and for which I can see the results and announce a winner. It seems that I need Ocad to produce maps. Now I wonder which version I need. On this page....
... I see
Mapping Solution -> 480 CHF
Orienteering -> 144 CHF
Starter -> 72 CHF
Course Setting -> 24 CHF

I think the last one is what I need. Description is...
This edition is dedicated to course setting for orienteering sports. It is an extraction of OCAD Orienteering “Course Setting” module and enables you to set courses for orienteering events. However, map editing is not possible with this edition.

On the other hand, on this page...
....I read that I will need to export from OCAD 10 or later.

Thank you,
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Re: Which version of OCAD?

Peter Effeney

You only need a mapping package like OCAD if you are a mapper and want to draw your own maps, or edit other people's maps. Otherwise whoever has the original map file should be able to export a KMZ file needed for MapRun for you.

OCAD is the premium professional mapping package but there are others like Open Orienteering Mapper. Also you can get auto generated maps, mainly for StreetO, from www.oomap.co.uk.

For a summary of options to produce a KMZ file for MapRun see: http://maprunners.weebly.com/maps---kmz-files.html

If you are looking at OCAD, it comes in different variants (as you have listed), and a new version number is released every year or so. The current version of each of the variants is "OCAD 2020" and geo-referencing has been supported since around version 10. (they changed from versioning like 8,9,10,11 to 2018, 2019, ...).

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Re: Which version of OCAD?

Thank you Peter,
Indeed, simplest method I found for getting started was the one you mentioned for street o: oom website. The video that helped me was this one : https://youtu.be/H13_j-OiXhE

Enjoying the app!
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Re: Which version of OCAD?

For those reading this post, be aware that there is a trial available for the different versions of OCAD. I signed up for the trial of Ocad CS but, because I am just doing street O for the moment, I think I do not need it. Check out the youtube link I gave above and this one....