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have intermittent problem with iPhone, after starting normally by the time I get to first control maprun has shut down and have to return to start again, doesn't happen often but enough to be annoying. With new version of iwatch software I had to delete app and reinstall, now getting intermittent messages about location permissions, seems to keep going when clicked on.
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Re: mapruna

Peter Effeney

Sorry to hear of the issues.

We don't have other reports of any software issue that would be causing this. If MapRun on your phone is terminated inadvertently after punching Start, when you restart the MapRun App it will ask if you would like to "RESUME" the event.

MapRunA on an Apple Watch can give an error if it hasn't locked on to satellites for its location... But this error is transient.

If you are still having issues, please send more details to (eg your name, event name,  version of MapRun and version of iOS etc)
