requirements to import even from local folder inside phone

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requirements to import even from local folder inside phone

Yesterday and day before, I was able to select events but sometimes had to click twice. Today, cannot load my events but it may because of something in the files.

I click on Select Event
I click on Access Local Events (offline)
I click on Import a personal Event
I see, as expected, 3 events. The names I see are the names of the folders.
I click on one of those 3 names.
I am returned to the home screen but, instead of seeing the name of my event under the button Select Event, I see the last event I ran. (This was the situation for the last few hours. Currently, just a few minutes ago, I was able to clear the old event from memory (because I deleated the folder?) so now, when I return, their is no event name under the button Select Event.

So I wonder if I have done something wrong inside the KML and KMZ files. I thought that the KML and KMZ had to have the same name as each other. Do they also have to have the same name as the folder in which they reside? Does the KML have a line in it referencing the KMZ?

I have created some of these events by making minor changes to previous KML files and renaming. That may be where I introduced a problem.

When I load the individual files into google earth, they are ok.
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Re: requirements to import even from local folder inside phone

Peter Effeney
You are using the feature that allows you to copy the KMZ/KML files to your Android phone from your PC/Mac, and then "select" them from a particular folder on the Android.

Generally it is better to use CheckSites for a personal event. CheckSites will check the files as you upload them.

The import you are using, does not have the ability to check the files before you load them into MapRunF.

The option to import files directly from a folder on an Android phone is typically used by mappers/planners moving files from their PC/Mac to their phone, even when they have no access to the Internet.

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Re: requirements to import even from local folder inside phone

Hi Peter,
Hooray for CheckSites !
It told me what my errors were so that I could correct them.
It gave me the code so that I go out and run my course.
I know a little bit more now about making these courses.
Thank you very much.